Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya

Dr. Ram Babu

Assistant Professor

Work Experience

03 Years 06 Months

Area of Specialization

Local Self Government and Grass Roots Politics in India

Projects & Patents

Decentralized Governance, PESA Act and Tribal Development in the Scheduled Areas of Chhattisgarh: A Comparative Study of Bastar and Surguja Districts sanctioned amount Rs. 13,19,500/- funded by ICSSR


Ph. D.



Prof. Ramakrushna Pradha, Dr. Ram Babu & Mr. Bijaya Kumar Behra (2023) "Republicanism and the Concept of State in Ancient India" Ancient Indian Knowledge System, October 2023, Peer Reviewed/Refereed Research Journal, ISSN-2230-8458, ii. Prof. Ramakrushna Pradha, Dr. Santwana Pandey & Dr. Ram Babu (2023) “India’s Connectivity Projects and Necklace of Diamond Strategy in Central Asia” India USA and Central Asia, August 2023, Peer Reviewed/Refereed Research Journal, ISSN-2230-8458,, iii. Babu, Ram (2023) “ामीण गरीबी उमूलन हेतु मनरेगा एक लोकनीित योजना के प म कायावयन का एक अययन: छीसगढ़ राय के बालोद िजले के खरथुली ाम पंचायत के िवशेष सदभ म” Jyotirveda Prasthanam (JVP), Peer Reviewed Refereed UGC Care Listed Journal), ISSN: 2278-0327, Volume-12, issue-02 May - June 2023, p-116-123. Web - iv. Babu, Ram 1st (2023) “बी. आर. अबेडकर के सामािजक एवं राजनीितक योगदान का एक िवेषणामक अययन” Jyotirveda Prasthanam (JVP), Peer Reviewed Refereed UGC Care Listed Journal), ISSN: 2278-0327, Volume-12, issue-02 May - June 2023, pp-220-225. Web - v. Dr Ram Ram2nd, (2023) “Gram Panchayat me Krishi Aadharit Laghu Uddhog: Aavshyakta even Sambhavnayen” International Journal of Social Science & Management Studies (I.J.S.S.M.S.) Peer Reviewed–Refereed Research Journal, Indexing & Impact Factor - 5.2, Ex - UGC S.N. 5351 ISSN: 2454 - 4655, Vol. - 9, No. – 1, Feb. – 2023, Conference Special Issue Hindi 2nd, Pp-91-95. vi. Babu, Ram & Panda, A. N, (2022) “Electoral Reforms and Election Commission of India” Jamshedpur Research Review (Peer Reviewed, Multi-Disciplinary, International Research Journal), ISSN: 2320-2750, Volume 1: Issue-50 (January-February 2022). vii. Babu, Ram & Panda, A. N, (2021) “Electoral Reforms in India,” The Online International Interdisciplinary Research Journal (OIIRJ), Volume 11; Special Issue; December 2021; Page No. 69-82, ISSN: 2249-9598, Impact Factor 6.855, viii. Babu, Ram2nd, (2020) “भारत म खा नीित क ऐितहािसक िवकास का समीामक अययन” International Journal of Applied Research, Issue. 09, Vol. 06, September-2020, ISSN (Online): 2394-5869, ISSN (Print): 2349-7500, Impact Factor: 5.2, pp-124-129. ix. Babu, Ram & Panda, A. N, (2018) “MGNREGA: A public policy for employment of rural poor in India,” International Journal of Advanced Research and Development, Volume 3; Issue 2; March 2018; Page No. 1175-1181, ISSN: 2455-4030, Impact Factor: RJIF 5.24, x. Babu, Ram., (2017) “मय देश म गड जनजाित क सामािजक चुनौितया” International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Research, Volume 3; Issue 2; February 2017; Page No. 96-98, ISSN: 2455-2070, Impact Factor: RJIF 5.22, xi. Babu, Ram & Panda, A. N, (2016) “Socio-Economic status of the Baiga tribe of Chhattisgarh in India,” International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, Volume 3; Issue 10; October 2016; Page No. 182-186, Online ISSN: 2349-4182, Print ISSN: 2349-5979, Impact Factor: RJIF 5.72, xii. Babu, Ram2nd, (2016) “The right to work in MGNREGA: An alternative for poverty reduction” International Journal of Academic Research and Development, Volume 1; Issue 2; February 2016; Page No. 25-29, ISSN: 2455-4197, xiii. Babu, Ram & Panda, A. N, (2016) “Poverty Alleviation in India: A Study of National Policies and Programmes,” International Journal of Advanced Research and Development, Volume 1; Issue 2; February 2016; Page No. 06-11, ISSN: ISSN: 2455-4030, xiv. Babu, Ram and Panda, A. N, (2015) “Women Empowerment in Panchayati Raj System: Uttar Pradesh,” International Journal of Applied Research, Issue. 08, Vol. 01, 22-07-2015, ISSN (Online): 2394-5869, ISSN (Print): 2349-7500, Impact Factor (ISRA): 5.2, pp-146-153. xv. Babu, Ram and Panda, A. N, (2015) “Performance Assessment Study of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme: An overview,” Global Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, Volume. 4, Issue. 02, January 2015, ISSN (Online):2348-0459, Impact Factor- 1.927, Available online at BOOK/EDITED BOOK: -  Published Book – 01, on Public Policy in India: with Special Reference to MGNAREGA 2023.  Edited Book – 01, On Constitutional Government and Democracy 2023.  One More Edited Book is Processed. BOOK CHAPTER: - i. Under Process, Dr. Ram Babu, (2023) “िवकेीकरण” ii. Under Process, Dr. Ram Babu, (2023) “भारत म गरीबी उमूलन कायम का एक िवेणामक अययन” iii. Dr. Ram Babu, (2023) “Empowerment of Women in The Political Sphere: A Step Towards Gender Equality in India” Women Empowerment: Various Dimensions, Publisher Raj Publishing House Jaipur, ISBN 978-93-91777-75-3, Edition: 2023, pp-42- 54. iv. डॉ. ए. एन. पंडा, और राम. बाबू, (2017) “मय देश म गड जनजाित क सामािजक आथक परीिथितय का एक अययन”- भारतीय ऐितहािसक – सांकृितक परपरा और आदवासी िवमश, काशन: एस. के. बुक. एजसी यू दली, थम संकरण: 2017, आई.एस.बीएन: 978-93-8315-896- 6. v. Published One Research Article on the Topic: The End of History and the Last Man– 1992, in, 1st May 2017