Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya


Associate Professor

Work Experience

Teaching, Research and Administrative: 1. Indira Gandhi national Tribal University (A Central University) Amarkantak (MP) from 25/09/2012 to 17/11/2022. 2. Guru Ghasidas University (A Central University) Bilaspur (CG) from 18/11/2022 to Till date

Area of Specialization

Agricultural Economics, Industrial Economics, Demography, Public Economics, Rural Development and Tribal Economy.

Projects & Patents



M. A. (Economics), M. Phil. (Economics), Ph. D. (Economics), UGC- NET (Economics)


Workshop Organized- 1 Ph.D. Awarded- 1 M. A. Dissertation- 25


Books Published: 1. “Tribal Development in India: Challenges and Opportunities” (ed.) Publishers, Writer Choice, New Delhi, 2019, ISBN: 978-93-84081-98-0. 2. “Rural Development in India: Challenges and Opportunities” (ed.) Publishers: Kunal Books, New Delhi, 2022, ISBN: 978-93-91908-69-0. Research Papers Published: 1. Kumar Dhanpat and Nagwanshee Rajkumar (2022) “मध्यप्रदेश के अनुपपुर जिले में स्वयं सहायता समूहों की वर्तमान स्थिति का आर्थिक अध्ययन” Published by Radha Kamal Mukarji: Chintan Parampra, January- June, 2022. 2. Nagwanshee Rajkumar (2022) “डॉ. अम्बेडकर का आर्थिक चिंतन व आधुनिक भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था में प्रासंगिकता” Purvadeva– A Social Science International Research Journal, July- September 2022. 3. Nagwanshee Rajkumar (2021) “Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Rural Employment and Reverse Migration” Shodh Sarita, January-March, 2021. 4. Nagwanshee Rajkumar and Kumar Dhanpat (2021) “ग्रामीण रोजगार में मनरेगा योजना की भूमिका का एक आर्थिक अध्ययन (मध्यप्रदेश के अनूपपुर जिले के विशेष संधर्भ में)” शोध सरिता, An International Bilingual Peer Reviewed Refereed Research Journal, January-March, 2021. 5. Shukla Sonu and Nagwanshee Rajkumar (2021) “An Impact of Agricultural Credit on Beneficiary Farmers (With Special References to DCCB Anuppur)” RESEARCH REVIEW International Journal of Multidisciplinary, August, 2021. 6. Nagwanshee Rajkumar and Kumar Dhanpat (2021) “मध्यप्रदेश के अनूपपुर जिले में महात्मा गाँधी राष्ट्रीय ग्रामीण रोजगार गारंटी अधिनियम के माध्यम से महिला सशक्तिकरण का एक आर्थिक अध्ययन” शोध संचार, An International Bilingual Peer Reviewed Refereed Research Journal, January-March, 2021. 7. Nagwanshee Rajkumar (2020) “मध्यप्रदेश एवं छत्तीसगढ़ राज्यों की जनांकिकीय सरंचना में जन्म दर एवं मृत्यु दर की प्रवृत्तियों का तुलनात्मक विश्लेषण” Published by Radha Kamal Mukarji: Chintan Parampra, July- December, 2020. 8. Nagwanshee Rajkumar and Sambhaji Kisan Kadam (2020) “Educational Status among the Scheduled Tribes and Scheduled Castes of Chhattisgarh State: An Analysis” Shodh Sanchar Bulletin, July-September, 2020. 9. Prasad Narayan and Nagwanshee Rajkumar (2019) “A Comparative Study between Rural and Urban Schools with special reference to Infrastructure Facilities in the Anuppur District of Madhya Pradesh” Published by RESEARCH REVIEW, June 2019. 10. Prasad Narayan and Nagwanshee Rajkumar (2019) “Tribal Development in Madhya Pradesh: Problems and their Solutions” Published by An International Multidisciplinary Quarterly Research Journal AJANTA, April- June 2019. 11. Nagwanshee Rajkumar (2017) “Economic Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture Productivity of Madhya Pradesh (With Special Reference to Anuppur District)” Published by Naveen Shodh Sansar, An International Refereed/ Peer Review Research Journal, September, 2017. 12. Nagwanshee Rajkumar (2016) “Micro Financing Laying Foundation for Entrepreneurship among Women: A study of Pushprajgarh Tehsil of Anuppur District” published by The Journal of Business & Economic Studies, 2016. 13. Sen Vinod and Nagwanshee Rajkumar (2016) “Ethical Issues in Social Science Research” Published by International Science Community Association, Research Journal of Management Sciences, October, 2016. 14. Nagwanshee Reema & Nagwanshee Rajkumar (2016), “कृषि सिंचाई और कृषि उत्पादकता में नाहरो के योगदान का एक अर्थिक अध्ययन” published by The Journal of Business & Economic Studies, 2016. 15. Nagwanshee Reema, Mishra, S. K. & Nagwanshee Rajkumar (2015), मध्यप्रदेश के कृषि विकास में सिंचाई के साधनो का महत्व (बैतूल जिले के विशेष संधर्भ में), published by The Journal of Business & Economic Studies, 2015. 16. Nagwanshee Rajkumar (2015) “ग्रामीण जनजातीय महिलाओ की सामाजिक एवं आर्थिक सशक्तिकरण में स्वयं सहायता समूहो की भूमिका (मध्यप्रदेश के अनूपपुर जिले के विशेष सन्दर्भ में)” Published by International Journal of New Era Research, December, 2015. 17. Nagwanshee Rajkumar (2015) “Education of Tribal Women in Madhya Pradesh: An Analysis”, Published by The International Research Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, January, 2015. Book Chapters Published: 1. Nagwanshee Rajkumar (2022), “Ruarl Development through the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act”, Rural Development in India: Challenges and Opportunities” Publishers: Kunal Books, New Delhi. 2. Ashvanee Kumar & Nagwanshee Rajkumar (2022), “The Contribution of Clean India Mission Gramin in the Development of Rural Uttar Pradesh: The study of a Random Selected Village”, Rural Development in India: Challenges and Opportunities” Publishers: Kunal Books, New Delhi. 3. Dhanpat Kumar, Ashvanee Kumar & Nagwanshee Rajkumar (2022), “Self-Reliant India Mission and Rural Development: Opportunities and Challenges”, Rural Development in India: Challenges and Opportunities” Publishers: Kunal Books, New Delhi. 4. Nagwanshee Rajkumar (2019), “Socio-Economic Status of Baiga Tribes in Madhya Pradesh”, Tribal Development in India: Challenges and Opportunities” Publishers: Writer Choice, New Delhi. 5. Nagwanshee Rajkumar & Hanote, N. K. (2014), “भारत में ग्रामीण एवं शहरी गरीबी की असामनता का एक सैद्धांतिक विश्लेषण”, in Veerendra Singh Matsaniya (ed.) “Bharat me Garibi our Samadhan” Publishers: Radha Publications, New Delhi, ISBN 81-7487-895-5. 6. Mishra, S. K. & Nagwanshee Rajkumar (2014), Economic impact of water crisis & its solutions: An analysis, “Water crisis in rural and urban areas: Planning and management”, published by: Aksharvinyas, Ujjain. 7. K. Vinay, Benerjee S. & Nagwanshee Rajkumar (2014), Traditional water resource management in India: A historical perspective, “Water crisis in rural and urban areas: Planning and management”, published by: Aksharvinyas, Ujjain.