
The department has been conceived with the ambitious objectives of developing professional expertise and skilled manpower in Information Technology (IT) and related areas. This will contribute in enabling the country to exploit efficiently emerging opportunities, and meet economic challenges being thrown up by the rapid global IT revolution, which is influencing virtually every area of development and social activity. The syllabi and courseware are designed to be flexible and wide-ranging, incorporating the cutting edge as well as ensuring a firm grasp of core fundamentals. A modular course design, along with several opportunities for industry training, gives students the freedom to tailor their learning experience. The department is committed to establish facilities for education and training in the field of IT for students and faculty members. The alumni students of this department are performing well in different multinational companies (MNC's). Some of our students are performing well in the competitive exams of international/National repute like GRE, GATE, MATS etc.

Vision of Department

The department of Information Technology envisions creating groomed, technically competent and skilled intellectual IT professionals to meet the updated advanced challenges and requirement of the modern IT industry.

Mission of Department

• Offer high-quality undergraduate and post graduate programs in order to prepare our graduates to become leaders in their profession.
• To provide need based quality training in the field of Information Technology.
• To maintain state-of-the-art facilities and laboratories where students and faculty can enhance their understanding of technology.
• To provide an atmosphere for students and faculty for continuous learning and research for the welfare of society

Achievements of Department

The Department of Information Technology at GGV, Bilaspur, has demonstrated significant research activity over the years, as evidenced by their publications. From 2016 to 2023, the department has published extensively in various journals, conferences, and book chapters. The most notable period is 2022-2023, with a total of 116 journal articles (83 in SCI/Scopus, 22 in ESCI/UGC, and 11 in other journals) and 22 conference papers. The previous years show a consistent output, with 2021-2022 having 54 journal articles and 21 conference papers. Additionally, they have contributed 7 books or book chapters, More then 32 patent published and about 10 granted. This activity highlights the department's commitment to advancing IT research and contributing to the global knowledge base.